
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Scooter and Me

Ok, so maybe you've seen that movie Marley and Me. Pretty good movie, a tear jerker really. In the end, Marley turns out to have been a great pet and everyone loves him. But what about those moments in-between when the dog does something really stupid and destructive.. does everyone love him then? Tell us how you'd feel... here's our version of the story (slightly dramatized.. but only slightly). Cue sleuth-style music:

We came into the house to find the culprit amidst the aftermath of his carnage. After having been convicted of major crimes involving rice bags and glass countertops, the suspect was skating on thin ice.

Upon investigating, the guilty doggie cowered and showed false remorse. He was found later attempting to destroy the incriminating evidence. No amount of puppy dog eyes could get him out of his conviction.

His sentence: a spanking and an early bedtime without supper. Case closed.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Our New Mode of Transportation

Well, we just invested in a new mode of transportation: a scooter. Picked this bad boy up off of craigslist for pretty cheap. In the past, we have had to walk half a mile (or pay a taxi) to take us to a bus stop, take a bus to the E-mart (Walmart equivalent), get our stuff and take another bus home, then take another taxi home. Now we just hop on our new chopper and away we go. A lot of people in Korea use these to get around, and when in Rome...