*Things in [brackets] aren't really in the entry, they're just to give understanding.
"January 8, 2003,
When I look around at this place while worshipping, I see people shouting out to the Lord. Every time, I think to myself, "I WANT THAT FIRE!!" I want to be open. I also read constantly about how people's faith brings them the Lord's riches. I found this verse:
MATTHEW 9:20-22: ...a woman who had been subject to bleeding for 12 years came up behind (Jesus) and touched the edge of his cloak. She said to herself, "If only I touch his cloak, I will be healed." Jesus turned and saw her... he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment.
Powerful stuff. I wish I had that kind of faith. Child-like faith indeed. I am getting there though. As I learn to hear God's voice, I listen for His call for me. I cannot wait for the moment I know what He wants for me. Hopefully, my faith is strong enough to drop it all and pursue God's plan."
God had been preparing me for this life. It's really neat to be able to see it unfold in retrospect.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Visit to the Diary - Part 1
*Just so you know, the stuff in [brackets] isn't something I actually wrote, it's just to help things make sense for you.
"January 7, 2003
During our 3 hour independent quiet time with God, I climbed the cliffs [behind the campus] and just took in God's splendor and beauty. It's amazing that He created all that there is. Every little nook and cranny, every drop of water, every blade of grass. I went in for a drink after exploring and saw a verse written on a paper by the kitchen:
LUKE 16:10-12: Whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches*? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?------------------------------------------------
*true riches meaning riches in heaven.
To me, this means if I can't be responsible with things like praying every night, how can I expect to disciple to others? Coach always said, "What you do in practice is what you will do in the game." How true that is...
Learn to be responsible and trustworthy in every aspect of life. Apply this daily."
"January 7, 2003
During our 3 hour independent quiet time with God, I climbed the cliffs [behind the campus] and just took in God's splendor and beauty. It's amazing that He created all that there is. Every little nook and cranny, every drop of water, every blade of grass. I went in for a drink after exploring and saw a verse written on a paper by the kitchen:
LUKE 16:10-12: Whoever can be trusted with very little can be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches*? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else's property, who will give you property of your own?------------------------------------------------
*true riches meaning riches in heaven.
To me, this means if I can't be responsible with things like praying every night, how can I expect to disciple to others? Coach always said, "What you do in practice is what you will do in the game." How true that is...
Learn to be responsible and trustworthy in every aspect of life. Apply this daily."
Visit to the Diary - Intro
The other day, I was in my parents' attic looking through some boxes for my books that have been in storage while we were in Korea. When I found them, I also found a journal that I had been keeping 7 years ago while I was in a Discipleship Training School with YWAM Nashville. It was my first missions experience, and really my first experience of taking ownership of my faith.
I really hate journaling. It's probably why our blog only gets updated every so often (that will change when we get to the PI!) It's also the reason that the journal I kept in YWAM only had 8 entries, and all of them were in the first month of the school.
Well, as intimate and personal as they are, I've decided to share them with you. Not because they're great or funny but because I believe that God will be glorified through it. I think it's great to be able to look back and see the seeds of God's calling on my life from that early stage. I hope you enjoy them. :)
I really hate journaling. It's probably why our blog only gets updated every so often (that will change when we get to the PI!) It's also the reason that the journal I kept in YWAM only had 8 entries, and all of them were in the first month of the school.
Well, as intimate and personal as they are, I've decided to share them with you. Not because they're great or funny but because I believe that God will be glorified through it. I think it's great to be able to look back and see the seeds of God's calling on my life from that early stage. I hope you enjoy them. :)
Sunday, August 15, 2010
What is PI?
For all of you who have been to this blog and have thought, "What in the world is PI?"...
It is simply the abbreviation for the Philippines. Sort of like us Pennsylvanians say, "I'm from PA." And now you can brag that you know the abbreviation for the Philippines!
And for your viewing pleasure, the PI flag:
It is simply the abbreviation for the Philippines. Sort of like us Pennsylvanians say, "I'm from PA." And now you can brag that you know the abbreviation for the Philippines!
And for your viewing pleasure, the PI flag:
Friday, August 6, 2010
God's Faithfulness
A couple weeks ago, I was calling churches, trying to find places that we could speak to the congregation in hopes of garnering some financial support. Of the many churches I called, only 1 or 2 pastors would even agree to meet with us to hear about what we're doing. Don't take that the wrong way.. pastors get called all the time from missionaries seeking support. They can't possibly hear us all out. Nonetheless it was frustrating, and it planted a seed of doubt our minds.
After some much needed reminding that God is in control, and it's not me "raising" any support, I sought Him in prayer. That was a few days ago. Yesterday we got a call from Jess's mom saying "Oh hey, I talked to a friend of mine and their church wants to support you." It was yet another reminder that God is faithful, and our financial burden is not really ours, but His. We had never contacted that church or done any "work" to garner support there. But the Holy Spirit had been working behind the scenes on our behalf.
Today I spoke with two pastors who were more than glad to have us come and speak at their churches, offering as much time as we need, and possibly support from the church.
God is good. Good and faithful. And in control.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Dear God...
Dear God,
You know that I'm typing this blog post addressed to you, but secretly hope every person with a large wallet reads it. God- Jess and I have a very daunting task ahead of us. Or so it would seem. I guess it depends on how much faith I really have in you. You see, we want to serve you in the Philippines, and our goal is to get there by January. But God, that can only happen if we raise all of our upfront costs and have at least 80% of our monthly needs pledged to us by supporters. And there I go again- I said "if we raise." Yeah, a lot of the time I start to get down on this whole "support raising" thing because I view it as just that- me doing all of the work trying to nag people into giving us enough money so that we can go to the Philippines. Sometimes I forget that it's YOUR HOLY SPIRIT who begins to work in people's hearts to give before I ever interact with them. I forget that it's YOU that owns the cattle on a thousand hills and is pouring your resources into YOUR ministry in the Philippines. Sometimes I forget that this whole missionary endeavor is for you... and I'm sorry.
Father, grant me more faith. Allow me to trust that every day that You are going to meet my needs and that you will eventually meet our financial needs in this area. God, to me $23,000 is a lot of money to raise for one time expenses, not to mention the close to $3,000 we need monthly. But to You, it's peanuts. God, it's not me who does this thing, it's You. Keep me on track. Never let me forget your faithfulness. Help me be disciplined in sharing Your Holy Spirit's movement in my life with those you have appointed to support us. And God.. I love you.
Your sometimes faithful son,
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