When we found out the costs involved in getting us established and sustained in the Philippines, we did one of those big gulps that means, "Wow, that's a lot." Just to get ourselves there and get established, we need just under $24,000. Our monthly costs of living and ministry are going to be just under $3,000. Gulp.
To God be all the glory.
To date, God has provided a little over $15,000 of our one-time costs! He is so good! We have no trouble having faith that the rest will come in. But those monthly costs.... gulp.
To God be all the glory.
To date, people have pledged (or started already!) to give about $350 of the near $3,000 we need a month... and our goal is to be there by January. Gulp. It's a lot harder to have faith that God will pull that together in such a short amount of time. Please consider giving monthly towards our ministry in the Philippines. We DO have faith that God will get us there. We have faith that He will provide through his saints- you.
If you know of any churches that are looking for missionaries, or would allow us to speak there, please let us know. We'd love to get the vision of KIM out to the masses. Thanks!