On May 8, Jess and I went to a school banquet in Seoul. Jess has been having contractions for a couple months now, but the ones she was having at the banquet were a bit different. Stronger and very consistent. After the banquet at about 5, we decided to go to the local birthing clinic to get checked out to see if it was labor or not. At the clinic, Jess's mucus plug came out, which was a clear sign that yep, it was time. The doctor there confirmed our suspicions and it was back to Seoul for us.
We waited out about a billion more painful contractions in a little labor room at Samsung Hospital from 7pm until 5am when Jess just couldn't take the pain from the frequency, strength and duration of the contractions. She opted to get an epidural, which was a blessing. We finally got about 10 minutes of sleep! The whole time, we sat there watching Micaiah's heartrate and Jess's contractions on a monitor. At about 4am, the nurses put Jess on oxygen because the baby's heartrate showed that she was under a lot of stress. If that were to keep up for a couple more hours, Jess would have had to have a C-Section. We prayed about it, and God answered quickly. It had taken 12 hours for Jess to get from 1 to 3 cm dilated, but after the epidural, she quickly progressed and at 11am, she was at 9cm. A little pitocin pushed her the rest of the way and Micaiah was born at 11:32am, May 9th-- Mother's Day, also Micaiah's due date.
God's timing in this whole endeavor is nothing short of miraculous. Months back, the doctor told us that Jess was in danger of having pre-term labor. We fully expected her to go a month early. But she kept on. Finally, due to time constraints, we told the doctor that we wanted to be induced on May 10th. This was because we were going to be leaving 4 weeks from that time, and it takes 3 to get a passport for a baby. Also, Jess has relatives who have birthdays May 8, 10, 11, and 12. So it was very unlikely at this point that Micaiah would have her own birthday. A small prayer request, but it meant something to Jess nonetheless. On top of it all, we didn't really want to be induced at all- it was a last option type of thing for us.
Buuuut, God is good. He put Jess into labor at just the right time so that we wouldn't have to induce, Micaiah would get her own birthday, she was born on her due date (only 5% of babies are actually born on their due date!), and to top it off, she was born on Mother's Day. Also, we leave Korea on June 8th. Korean law says that if a child is in Korea for more than 30 days, you have to get them a Korean visa and an alien registration card. Well.. Micaiah was born May 9th- one day less than a month before we leave. No Korean visa for her. Blessing after blessing. God is good, He answers prayer!

God definitely was working and is working in your guys lives!! How awesome that everything worked out so perfectly. We love and miss you all and can't wait to see you and meet our new little Grandbaby!!! xoxo Mom and Dad Saul